Lumina Capital Portfolio
Diverse and Risk-Adjusted Market Strategies
Diversifying risk is a critical element of producing a portfolio with a low risk profile whilst maximising returns. It's imperative that our portfolio has protection from single strategy downturn risk, asset specific volatility and general market uncertainty.
With a blend of manual trading and expert advisors (EAs) in our portfolio all with a different approach to strategy, timeframe and asset class we offer the perfect blend for long-term growth and diversified protection.
Portfolio is regularly monitored to adjust for new strategy data.
All strategies are risk-weighted to reduce portfolio volatility.
Diverse market approach with exposure to multiple asset classes.
Access to Untapped Expertise
As we build our network of investors, we are equally concerned with building our network with traders and developers who are highly-skilled but generally untapped from a fund management perspective. We bring their expertise to investors, utilising our infrastructure offering a unique proposal for all.
Generally speaking, high-quality traders and EAs either have a large cap minimum margin pre-requisite or complex contracts with minimum funding amounts to access. Within the Lumina Capital portfolio, you gain access without needing direct contracts or large amounts of capital for exclusivity rights.
Highly vetted and well-sourced trading talent.
No minimum margin required.
Non-complex market exposure